ICA Creation produces 3D models /props/sculptures tailored to the customer’s


Our services can be used for marketing/ PR, advertising, product launches,
brand awareness, props for film and theatre production, contemporary art,
special events + displays, theme parks, sculptures in a museum or school…
You name it, it's possible.

Our creations are made from polystyrene or Pu foam then covered with hard
coating, painted and decorated with an airbrush up to detail.

It can be suitable for indoors and outdoors, with steel support can be placed on
the wall and is adaptable for such installations. It is portable, easy to transport
whilst being solid & hard wearing.

We advise our clients to find the best option which will work for their project



Project: Santa's Sleigh - Retallack Resort & Spa
We Custom made this life size Sleigh for Santas Grotto with Retallack at the Winter Wonderland.
Size Height 1.65m, Width 1.20m, Length 2.40m


Project: Giant stack of Presents - Retallack Resort & Spa
We Custom made this Giant stack of Presents for Retallack as a photo opportunity for children at the Winter Wonderland.


Project Snowmen - Retallack Resort & Spa
We custom made these Snowmen with Retallack as a part of their display at the Winter Wonderland.
Height 1m, 1.20m, 1.50m

Project Penguins - Retallack Resort & Spa
We custom made these penguins with Retallack as a part of their display at the Winter Wonderland.
Height approx 1m


Project Oil Drum Puzzle - Mad Science NW
We custom made this life size / child friendly oil drum puzzle with Mad Science NW as a part of their oil week workshop.
Approx size 88cm x 60cm Ø

Project Marmite - Splendid Communications
We made this giant Marmite lid for a genuine Marmite fan's car! with Splendid Communications.
Size approx 1.70m Ø

Project Pants - Pants Cancers
We Custom made these giant pants With Pants Cancers who are raising awareness of all the pants area cancers.
Height 2m Width 3.30m

Buzz Light Year
We scaled-up a miniature model of Buzz Light Year and produced a life size replica for Marbel Ltd Toys distributor's.
This project was supported for balance and stability 8 kilos in weight.

Giant hand
This is a scaled-up version of a real hand, which could be holding something. As a finish we airbrush our sculptures, to optimize the realism factor which adds to the creative dimension.


Giant Sport's Shoe
This is a giant version of a sports trainer.The final effect shows a partly smooth and a textured finish.
Using such item's is a modern and great way to advertise a shoe brand.


Giant Pasty
We produced a giant-size pasty, which is the local's famous favorite.



This is our creation of the friendly Cornish dragon. Size around 2.20 m hiigh-1.40 w. He is in a curved position.
Any interest of use is welcome.



This is our project of a bench to show you, the diversity of things we can make. This bench is very solid and can be used  just like any other.
Any interest in use is welcome.


Large rugby ball

We made a Large rugby ball in the size of 1.20 metre. As you can see there is still space for any logo, flag or brand name.
Any interest in using this rugby ball is welcome. It is solid, suitable for indoors & outdoors, very eye catching, also light to transport. It is also still adaptable for any support instillation.
Any interest in use is welcome.






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