Author: Lucy R

Themed props for interior spaces

Creating themed props true to concept is something we passionately do.

We have created themed props for several public interior spaces take a look below to see a couple of spaces we have helped transform:

Westfield shopping centre: The brief was to create Winnie the pooh elements for the family rooms for Westfield shopping centre which had to be true to concept as possible, durable + impact resistant.  All bespoke elements were hand decorated. The wooden effect items had to be splinter free, to look like authentic rustic timber yet not as heavy as real wood. We created various trees for each room, wooden effect log seats, ipad logs, pumpkins, rustic timber replica fencing, gate, frames, flowers.


Click on the image to view full project


Discover story centre: This was a great project to work on. Each element had to be as close as possible from illustrations from Dr Seuss which isn’t always the easiest task however we loved the challenge and also client was very happy with the out-come.

Discover story centre ignites the imagination which is captured within a book.

We created a cave like tunnel, Truffula trees, various colourful trees, a sofa and a dr Seuss themed car. All props are coated with  FR polyurea which is both a  water and impact resistant coating.

Discover story centre London- Click image to view more


Cadbury world Café: We created white fluffy clouds and bespoke cladding for the Café’s  make over.

Each cloud had to be slightly different in shape  in order to create a realistic effect.

All clouds include an internal fixing system in order to either suspend or fix to the ceiling.

Both cloud and cladding elements were coated with FR polyurethane & spray painted white


White fluffy clouds, custom interior elements


Get in touch with our friendly team to see how we can help you create an inspiring space


CNC routing in house!

CNC cut large 3d logo prop
santa sleigh progress
Westfield shopping centre Disney family room props
CNC routing design into table top
Santa's Christmas sleigh
CNC cut large 3d logo prop
CNC cutting out letters
day of the dead CNC cut pattern panel

Take a look at some of our CNC cutting jobs

This year has been a great year for ICA Creation so far. We can’t quite believe November is in full swing with 2019 just around the corner! 
One of the major aspects & game changing moments for us this year has been the addition of our CNC router!

This has meant that we are able to do all production including CNC routing in house in Cornwall and our turnaround times are a lot faster + we have much more flexibility with the projects.
As well as CNC cutting, we are able to prepare design files for the cutting which gives our customers more possibilities and an easier route in to getting the project done.

CNC routing is a great technology which enables us to be much more innovative.

We can cerate custom panels, create bespoke signage, cut out large letters, 3d logos, elements for furniture, pre-cut the elements for our products such as the Christmas sleigh. 

Get in touch with our friendly team  to see how we can help you!


Custom artificial trees

Artificial Wisteria tree
Artificial Wisteria tree



We love to help create an inspiring space.


We wanted to share with you a selection of artificial trees we have created, along with artificial tree trunks and branches.
Our focus is always to for the trees  to look as realistic as possible whilst splinter free &  durability to make the props last in the fun themed environment they will be installed at.
We have created artificial trees for a variety of purposes such as tree trunks for Virgin Holidays tree house, trees for each Winnie the pooh themed family room from the Westfield  shopping centre in London, for a school library, London’s Discover story centre.

It’s all about the texture  &  attention to detail!
The real like texture is crucial to giving best visual results. The main product we use is FR polyurea which is a high-quality rubber. This coating is both water and impact resistant and is simply made to last!
Leaves or flowers, each tree has it’s own individual characteristics, we always source the right products which will fit with the concept for  the best effect, look and feel.
Most of the props we work on need to be as close to illustration as possible, we work with our designers to make sure we can make it happen.
Not mass produced!
Each tree is unique and true to our client’s request. This means that only they will have that tree to suit their themed area. Also we spray paint and hand decorate the tree trunks and branches to give a realistic and organic look for the texture
Take a look at the range of artificial trees  we have created so far, we hope you enjoy!

Or get in touch to  see how we can help you

Winnie the pooh themed element artificial tree
artificial tree
Winnie the pooh themed – Disney – Westfield shopping centre – Click here to view project
Tree trunks we crated used for Virgin holidays tree house
Dr Seuss themed interior
Dr Seuss trees
Dr Seuss themed interior
Dr Seuss trees
drift wood replica in the making
driftwood replica in the making
Drift wood replica
artificial trees for African themed tree house from Virgin Holidays
Artificial trees for African themed tree house from Virgin Holidays, commissioned by PDS
Artificial tree branches
Artificial tree texture with no bark
Artificial tree texture with no bark

Props for Experimental Marketing

Why use props for experimental marketing and events?


Experimental marketing with props is a great way to engage with customers & the wider community in a positive way!


Take a look at 7 reasons to use props as a tool for experimental marketing

1. Unique visual impact which is memorable
2. Fun to share images & content across social media channels whether with work colleagues or friends & family
3. Easier to track insights performance as prop encourages the use of hash tags
4. Mobility as can be taken to new event locations
5. Perfect photo opportunity
6. Helps raise brand awareness with an element of excitement
7. Helps your brand to be unique with an innovative and creative approach

Take a look at some of the projects we have created, we hope you enjoy!
Get in touch if you would like to create with us.

Call us at 01872271275

Giant American Tourister suitcase we created
2.2m high American tourister replica prop we created!
We created 50 1m high top hats for Hatfield
Giant headphones
Tree trunks we crated used for Virgin holidays tree house
We created giant dinner plates for Juergen Teller ltd
Juergen Teller Custom plates
We were commissioned by PDS to create a life-size bull to be used as EE’s charging bull at the Glastonbury festival 2015! We are proud to say that we completed the bull within 1 week! Right on schedule for PDS to apply final colour finish! Although this project had a very tight time scale we enjoyed it very much!
3d replica of classic Tom's shoe
Toms shoe replica we crated to be used at their events to customise
Outdoor advertising tool - giant hand sculpture
We created an outdoor advertising tool, a giant hand. A great way to raise awareness and to create a lasting memory. Who said outdoor advertising isn’t fun!
Babybel buddie 3d models
Babybel buddie models
Giant Marmite lid carved out of polystyrene publicity stunt
Marmite car – giant Marmite lid



Christmas sleigh made in Cornwall / UK


For some it may seem odd to think about Christmas in this hot July 2018!


However, when planning a spectacular Christmas event which promises to be magical it is never to early to plan ahead!
Take a look at our most popular and in demand Christmas prop is Santa’s sleigh which is our original design and made in Cornwall – UK


How do we create it?

We use our CNC router to cut out the sections with precision  from exterior ply wood, then we construct it by hand.
Once Santa’s sleigh is constructed, we use primer followed by spray paints  with our clients choice of colours using high quality paints that  last, which enables the finishing touches  to be custom.

Quick Spec:

  • Seats 3 as extremely durable
  • Place for presents in the back
  • Perfect for photo opportunity
  • A great Christmassy element to make your magical event memorable & sparkle

Enjoy some images  of our Santa’s sleigh projects!
Get in touch if you would like to create with us or call us to make an enquiry  at 01872271275


Santas sleigh with gold detail
Santa's sleigh made in Cornwall - UK
Santas sleigh National trust
Santas sleigh National trust
Santas sleigh National trust
Santas sleigh National trust
Santas sleigh National trust
Santas sleigh National trust
Custom made Santas Sleigh
silver sleigh
silver sleigh
Christmas sleigh we created for Chic Flower design

Giant stack of books prop

Giant stack of books prop for graduation ceremony

We have recently worked on an exciting project that we would love to share!

We created a giant stack of books for Stirling university based in Scotland for their 2018 graduation ceremony. This prop added an element of excitement to the already beautiful setting by the university grounds.

Which meant a perfect photo opportunity on such a significant &  wonderful day!
What was the aim whilst making this custom prop?

• Authentic: realistic looking old style books
• Eye catching: spray painted to required colours + airbrush for pages effect
• True to the branding of the university: this was done through colours and vinyl lettering + Logos
• Durability of prop  as indoors & out-door use to be expected: Coated in one piece with polyurea coating ( water and impact resistant coating ).

Most of all the giant stack of books created a fun element for the graduation ceremony!

Get in touch to see how we can help you  Call us on: 01872271275

New possibilities! CNC Router

We are excited about our new CNC routing facility!

This will allow high precision cutting & will speed up the process.
As well as using this for our custom projects we are pleased to offer this cutting service  locally in Cornwall and nation wide UK.
Have a look at the below spec & the possibilities the CNC machine has to offer!

Materials we can cut: MDF, Plywood, Hardwood, Melamine Laminates, Solid Surface Materials, Foam core, Corrugated Plastic, Dibond, Aluminium, Soft Metals
Working area: 1300mm by 2500mm
Resolution Accuracy: 0.01mm/100mm
Supported Format: DWG, DXF, EPS, AI, PDF, BMP, JPG, TIF, GI

CNC Routing Cornwall
CNC Routing Cornwall
CNC Routing Cornwall

Christmas props!

As we approach Christmas 2017 closer each day and this time it’s flying! We would like to share  some of the recent and previous  Christmas props and special displays we have created.

There’s nothing like a beautiful magical setting   that can give the festive feeling and take our breath away that  brings wonder back to  Christmas.

We have been very fortunate to  be a part of some amazing displays or have had the pleasure or creating some key props to generate a festive feeling and most of all helped create some magical photo opportunities.

Take a look below at some of the Christmassy props we have created!

We look forward to producing  many more whether  it be custom and personal or some of our popular props such as Santa’s Sleigh!

In the mean time we wish everyone a wonderful Christmas filled with warmth and joy!

Overs sized Chrsitmas bauble we created in royal blue
snowman and snow dog sculptures we created - Finish display by Chic Flower Design
snowman and snow dog sculptures we created – Finish display by Chic Flower Design
silver sleigh
Santa's sleigh made in Cornwall - UK
Santas sleigh with gold detail
Christmas sleigh we created for Snow factor in Scotland
Santas sleigh with gold detail
Santas sleigh National trust
Santas sleigh National trust
Santas sleigh National trust
Custom present props for special display
Bespoke Christmas Props in the making
Babybel model Frosty
Babybel model Frosty
Polystyrene shaped Panda with present
Carved out of polystyrene panda with present
Custom life size Christmas sleigh
Custom made Christmas sleigh
Custom made Santas Sleigh
Giant custom present props
Giant custom presents
Snow men family, Christmas props
Custom snowmen props
Playful penguin props, customised Christmas props
Playful penguins custom made props
Custom Present props, special display
Custom presents
Penguins - production process
Penguins - production process
custom made snowmen props
Custom made snowmen props
Airbrush spray paint services in Cornwall
Airbrush Decoration
silver sleigh
Christmas sleigh we created for Chic Flower design
Snowman prop



Whale and the snail custom props

Whale and snail rock – Discover story centre London
We worked with Discover story cenre in London to create these scenic elements for their whale and the snail themed interior space at the story centre.
Both whale and the snail rock had to be true to the original illustration as possible. Both elements were hand carved from polystyrene. Once approved by client coated with FR polyurea ( water and impact resistant coating ) we then primed both elements and applied the base colours to them.
Take a look at images during production

Scenic prop whale in the making
Scenic prop whale in the making

It’s wonderful to see some of the elements we created in action in a beautiful setting brought to life by Discover Story centre in London. Take a look at some pictures below of the magical setting!
Pictures below  by Suzi Corker – Discover

whale and the snail pictures by Suzi Corker - Discover
Happy whale at Discover Story centre
whale and the snail pictures by Suzi Corker - Discover
whale and the snail pictures by Suzi Corker - Discover
Lift wanted around the world!..
whale and the snail pictures by Suzi Corker - Discover
whale and the snail pictures by Suzi Corker - Discover
whale and the snail pictures by Suzi Corker - Discover
whale and the snail pictures by Suzi Corker - Discover
whale and the snail pictures by Suzi Corker - Discover
whale and the snail pictures by Suzi Corker - Discover

You can experience this magical world at DISCOVER’s new and enchanting Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s immersive exhibition A World Inside a Book: Gruffalos, Dragons and Other Creatures
Final decoration by Discover story centre London

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